
So we have been good little citizens and worked hard; from this point on all our money is ours, or so the theory goes. April 23rd was "Tax Freedom" day. This should really be a national holiday and then we would go out and spend more money... equaling more sales tax, which is where we should be taxed. As you might be able to till I'm a little angered at the whole idea of income tax. It is like coming home from work and getting mugged. The more you make the more they take. If you own your own business; they make money indirectly from you taking risk and boosting the GDP while scraping more out of your pocket on the way home; then they grab a few more pennies at when you buy something. That is double taxation! Excuse me, this really gets my blood boiling. I feel like throwing something valuable into the ocean, oh wait, already did that. Anyway, here is something to lighten the mood.

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