
So we have been good little citizens and worked hard; from this point on all our money is ours, or so the theory goes. April 23rd was "Tax Freedom" day. This should really be a national holiday and then we would go out and spend more money... equaling more sales tax, which is where we should be taxed. As you might be able to till I'm a little angered at the whole idea of income tax. It is like coming home from work and getting mugged. The more you make the more they take. If you own your own business; they make money indirectly from you taking risk and boosting the GDP while scraping more out of your pocket on the way home; then they grab a few more pennies at when you buy something. That is double taxation! Excuse me, this really gets my blood boiling. I feel like throwing something valuable into the ocean, oh wait, already did that. Anyway, here is something to lighten the mood.


Steven R. Covey - The Community

One of the greats, Steven Covey, has done it again. He's just launched "The Community" which is, as he puts it "...within The Community; you'll find the 'Learning to enlighten you, Support to inspire you, Tools to enable you.'" It is in beta now, but I highly recommend you join if you don't already have a team with which you are growing.


Ignorance is Starvation

I just left a coffee house and was chatting with a friend and his wife when he made a comment that froze the conversation in an awkward silence. He made no effort to correct or clarify himself which added to the strangeness of the moment. He said that if he didn't know about something then it didn't exist. It was said so matter-of-fact that at first I thought he was joking. He's a smart guy and we were having a rather interesting discussion about national politics when this occurred. But he just sat there looking at me after the statement was made with such honesty that I had nothing to say in return. He was serious.

After giving it some thought though I suppose his view isn't that uncommon but perhaps not so deliberate. People are always creating their own reality. That is what we do we take the world around us and form it to fit our impression of how we feel it should be. Nothing to harmful in that - at first. But people tend to do this with no plan or direction. I found this blog in which the author makes a very compelling arguement about the lack of engagement the average person has about the most obvious factors in thier lives. In this case the Presidetial race.

I have heard some pretty lame reasons for electing the president. Everything from "it's time for change..." to "...I felt she was friendly..". Honestly, I don't think Churchill was chosen for his position because he had nice teeth or looked good on the side of a campaign bus. Likewise I don't think we need to base our votes on how we like a person. We need base our support on the integrity and character of the person. Integrity can be defined as "Doing the right thing because it is the right thing." (Not what the polls say you should do) and character can be defined as "Being who you say you are. All the time."

With that being said; if we as a people chose to ignore the deeper issues and follow the presidential campaign like we do the weather then we will elect someone who is not qualified for the position. We will get what we sow. Satisfaction leads to apathy. Apathy leads to ignorance. Ignorance leads to bondage. Bondage leads to death. Ignorance is starvation of the brain.

I encourage you to engage politically in this country's freedom. nations rise and fall; let's do all we can to keep this one strong. Don't elect a president because of their gender, race or religion. Dig deeper. Do elect them because they will defend your personal agenda or lifestyle. Elect a president that will fight for freedom - at any cost! Be it an tough time for the economy, troops, or religon. They all must sacrificed for freedom.

"Give me liberty or give me death!" - Patrick Henry.


But I'm not a natural leader...

I read I a blog recently where the author stated: “..I’m not actually a natural leader. I can do it, but I think I’m a better facilitator, mentor, coach and companion. I like to lead by presenting a vision, then recruiting the enthusiasm of those involved.”. And I was reminded how often people miss the point. What does he expect a leader to do besides point the direction, recruit a team and get them enthused about the plan? Keep doing those three things over and over and I think you’ve got a winning plan!

A leader points the direction
Presenting a vision to a group of people that have none is probably the most difficult part of leadership but yet it is the first step. The ability to do that is what defines you from the rest of the group. It sets you apart as a person with a different direction. Not yet a leader but you now have a defined difference from the group.

A leader doesn’t walk by himself
It was said once said that “If you’re leading and not one is following you; you’re just out for a walk.” If you have a vision of where you’d like to take your situation then you need people to help you get there. Your level of influence upon those around you will mark your level of leadership. People will not follow someone who has no influence upon them.

A leader serves others
Once people believe in you and trust your vision they will follow you. But keeping them on course can quickly become very difficult because it can look a lot like management. Management is not leadership. Management is keeping the home fires lit. Leadership is defining what mountain to conquer next. People will follow you through some very dark time if the believe in YOU more than the vision. They won’t always be able to see the end goal. You will fail at keeping their eyes focused on the goal. After all it isn’t their vision, it is yours! Once you’ve served them a vision, hope, your passion and have seen them as people they will reflect back to you your investment in them and will remain enthused even during hard times.