
Top 5 books I'd recommend this Christmas

It's best to learn from the best. If you wanted to learn a skillset it would be assumed that you'd ask someone who has mastered the results you want what they would recommend. And it seems every person of influence has read these books at least once. So while there may be thousands of books out there on the topic; I'd recommend begining here, with these.

1. How to win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie
2. How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing with People - Les Giblin
3. How I Raised Myself From Failure to Success in Selling - Frank Bettger
4. The Magic of Thinking Big - David J. Schwartz, Ph.D.
5. Personality Plus - Florence Littauer

I don't know about you but after family activities I intend on spending my Christmas curled up on the couch reading.


Huckabee, Women and Servant Leadership

Regardless of your political stand you’ve got to had it to Huckabee; the man stands his ground. It was once said that “To have power and to choose not to exercise it is greater power still.” And Mr. Huckabee, I think, feels he is placing women in this position. A good rebuttal and some history to his stand can be found here.

I think I understand his opponents views about gender based hierarchy. But don’t we all find ourselves in positions of submission by which we have no choice? There are social submission I make daily as a citizen of the United States. Whether or not you agree with gender based hierarchy, it does raise the question; under what circumstances should a hierarchy be based? Submission is a natural part of society and one of the beauties of the human situation, that differentiates itself from the other creatures on the planet, is the ability to lead while submitting to a greater power; even if it is an opposing power.