
Leadership Thinking vs. Everyone Else

Below is comparison of how leaders think compared to everyone else. These are learned thought systems, not some genetic accident that happen to some people. Refelct on this list often and bookmark this page. I'll be adding to it and writing an article on each comparison in the near future.
Everyone ElseLeaders
make excusesno excuses
focuses on the newfocuses on the timeless
celebrates famecelebrates ability
emphasizes informationemphasizes knowledge
incapable of deep or sustained attentioncapable of deep atention
whatever feels good, do itwhatever it takes
path of least resistanceroad less traveled
fit in with the crowdrise above the crowd
wants conviencewill do the inconvient
helping selfhelping others
want to "appear" successfulwants to achieve signifigance
listens to everybody's opinion and adviceseeks a mentor with proven success and results
national media, television, news, materials, tapes, books, meetings, mentors
focus on excusesfocu on effort
pamper selfpushes self toward greatness
looks backwardlooks foreward
knows it allwant to learn it all
personal cofortpersonal influence
what is the LEAST I can do to get what I want?what MORE can I do?
talk a big gameplay a big game
focuses on saving every penny, worried about what they spendfocuses on big residual incomes, and return on investment
makes their spouses carry an exceptional heavy loadtakes personal responsibility
seeks educationpursues wisdom
pays the priceenjoys the investment
slave to their habitsslave to self discipline
live under the circumstancesit's NOT what happens, it's how you respond
short term focuslong term vision
quit when the going gets toughpush harder when tough
say "can't"say CAN
say "maybe" or "I'll try"say WILL, count on it!
hide behind "busyness"build a business

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